How to publish on GOV.UK

Updates: How to publish on GOV.UK


13 August 2021 published amendments


Added bullet to say that titles need to be unique (for accessibility reasons).

10 August 2021 published amendments

Organisation pages

Added details of how to add translated versions of social media accounts


Added details of how to add translated versions of social media accounts

29 June 2021 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

New section on how to format CSV files for preview and OpenDocument forms before adding them to GOV.UK as attachments.

25 June 2021 published amendments

Document accessibility

Updated section slug from guidance/how-to-publish-on-gov-uk/accessible-pdfs to guidance/how-to-publish-on-gov-uk/document-accessibility

17 March 2021 published amendments


Do not use bold text in address Markdown. Use heading Markdown outside the address Markdown instead, if you need to draw attention.

17 February 2021 published amendments


New section on adding translations to document collections and consultations.

16 February 2021 published amendments


Added a section on how to unpublish statistics announcements as managing editors now have the ability to do this for announcements that were published in error.


10 December 2020 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Adding attachments: you must publish an accessible version alongside a PDF - either HTML or OpenDocument.

Updated the section 'Add topic tagging' with the process for tagging content.

11 November 2020 published amendments


Removed part about not being able to use markdown in table cells - this is possible.

Removed part about using html in links - not necessary as markdown can be used.

Removed part about using
tags within table cells to put values on different lines as this can cause accessibility issues.

Provided an example of a table in which the right column is aligned.

Moved link to table generator to sit with information on creating a table manually.

Added a more descriptive link text signposting users to information on when to use tables and how to make them accessible.

10 November 2020 published amendments

Introduction and access to Whitehall publisher

Updated information about the training required to get a GOV.UK publishing account in the 'Request an account' chapter.

5 November 2020 published amendments

Images and videos

Accessibility change to guidance on making videos accessible. More information about closed captions, transcripts and audio descriptions, more examples.

21 September 2020 published amendments

Organisation pages

Added heading markdown to table

Document accessibility

Changed the title to remove duplicate title issue with new page on publishing accessible documents

10 September 2020 published amendments


Updated with the process for adding translated attachments.

28 August 2020 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Added instructions about using the 'post-transition call-out box' and the 'transition period' topic tag where appropriate.

24 August 2020 published amendments

Images and videos

Alt text guidance changed: write image descriptions in the body text and leave the 'Alt text' field blank.

20 August 2020 published amendments

Publishing accessible documents

Guidance updated to point to newly published Whitehall guidance on publishing accessible documents.

29 July 2020 published amendments

Organisation pages

Added guidance on how to change the number of management people photos that appear on organisation pages.

19 May 2020 published amendments

Introduction and access to Whitehall publisher

Removed 'policies' from the list of fields in the export of filtered documents as this no longer exists in Whitehall publisher.

Reviewing and publishing content

Removed mentions of 'policies' and 'policy areas' from the 2i checklist as these features in Whitehall publisher no longer exist.

Organisation pages

Removed guidance about adding 'our policies' to organisation pages and selecting 'policy areas' or 'detailed guide categories' under 'Associations' as these are no longer available in Whitehall publisher.

Topical event pages

Removed mentions of 'policies' when creating a topical event as this feature no longer exists in Whitehall publisher.

5 March 2020 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Updated history mode guidance to show which document formats will show history mode when they are tagged to a minister.

4 March 2020 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Removed references to order URL and price. These fields have been removed from Whitehall publisher.

27 February 2020 published amendments

Topical event pages

Detailed guides can now be tagged to topical event pages.

18 February 2020 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Removed references to 'web ISBN'. Web ISBN has been removed from Whitehall publisher as only one ISBN is required.

10 January 2020 published amendments


Updated authorisation needed to create or modify statistics or statistics release announcements.


4 December 2019 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Added examples of document types that cannot be scheduled.

19 September 2019 published amendments

Publishing accessible documents

Clarified guidance around checking Microsoft Office documents meet accessibility requirements.


Added information about how to close a group.

18 September 2019 published amendments

Unpublishing and withdrawing ('archiving')

Added information about what happens to attachments when unpublishing and withdrawing content.

17 September 2019 published amendments


The markdown for tables has been updated to improve accessibility - you should now add a hash (‘#’) character after the pipe if the cell is the title of a row, for example |# Row 1 | item 1 | item 2 | item 3

Publishing accessible documents

Updated the guidance on publishing accessible documents, including:

+ updating the guidance on keeping the document simple - for example, by avoiding images containing text, using descriptive link text, not using colour or shape to convey meaning
+ linking to guidance that covers how to structure and tag PDFs more accessibly
+ clarifying that PDF/A is an archiving format - and that saving as PDF/A alone will not make a document more accessible

5 September 2019 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Expanded what can be added to a document collection.

24 July 2019 published amendments

Images and videos

Improving links between guidance pages on publishing images.

9 July 2019 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Added list of file types you can upload as an attachment

14 June 2019 published amendments

Images and videos

Added information about when it might be appropriate to use a video and how to make videos more accessible.


31 December 2018 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

From 1 January 2019, Command paper numbers will follow this format: ‘CP’ followed by the number, for example ‘CP 57’

23 November 2018 published amendments

Publishing accessible documents

Updated instructions on how to save documents in PDF/A format.

31 October 2018 published amendments


Changed references to ‘high-profile groups’ to ‘sub-organisations’.

22 October 2018 published amendments

Tables and graphs

Tables should be saved as images and uploaded to a HTML page. Previous guidance said tables should be added as attachments.

19 October 2018 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Added guidance about how to correctly format CSV files so they can be previewed on GOV.UK in the 'Adding attachments' section.

12 October 2018 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Added instructions for adding HTML versions of official documents alongside the PDF versions.

26 September 2018 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Removed guidance about policies and policy areas because they're about to be retired from GOV.UK.

Unpublishing and withdrawing ('archiving')

Removed guidance about policies because they're about to be retired from GOV.UK.


Removed guidance about policies because they're about to be retired from GOV.UK.

24 September 2018 published amendments

Publishing accessible documents

Guidance re-written to provide more detail on making non-HTML documents meet the new accessibility requirements for public sector websites and apps.

23 August 2018 published amendments

Images and videos

Added information about publishing accessible diagrams, charts and infographics in the 'Images' section.

23 July 2018 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Added guidance on how to tag content to topics. Also edited guidance on associations to remove confusion around the term 'topic'.

27 June 2018 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Removed references to ‘print ISBNs’ in the ‘Official documents’ section

18 June 2018 published amendments

Unpublishing and withdrawing ('archiving')

Added examples of what to put in the 'Public explanation (this is shown on the live site)' box when withdrawing content in Whitehall publisher.

15 June 2018 published amendments

Organisation pages

Added detail about analytics measures for choosing news or service-based homepages; linked to guidance about choosing photos; clarified that it's possible to have no featured content

8 June 2018 published amendments

Unpublishing and withdrawing ('archiving')

Updated the 'How to unwithdraw content'. Guidance now explains how to unwithdraw content if an update needs to be made to the content item.

22 May 2018 published amendments

Accessibility of PDFs

Updated introductory sentences for accuracy - PDFs are often bad for accessibility, but they can be made to meet accessibility standards.

6 April 2018 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Attachments guidance updated to include list of open standard file formats which should be used.

5 April 2018 published amendments

Organisation pages

Added guidance on how to translate organisation pages

8 March 2018 published amendments

Organisation pages

Added new section ‘Documents tagged to the new organisation’ in 'Close an organisation’. This explains when to tag existing documents and publications to a new organisation, how to decide what needs to be tagged and how to request a bulk re-tag.


18 December 2017 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Under 'Edit an existing (published) document', guidance on change notes has been revised to make it clearer when you should leave a change note.

6 December 2017 published amendments

Unpublishing and withdrawing ('archiving')

Updated the 'How withdrawing works' section. '[Withdrawn]' is now added automatically to HTML attachments.

1 November 2017 published amendments

Introduction and access to Whitehall publisher

Added section about managing your organisation's accounts

20 October 2017 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Added a section under 'Create a collection' which tells publishers that when they withdrawn item, they need to be sure it's not part of a collection. If it is, then they need to unpublish the page.

26 September 2017 published amendments


Statistics summary length increased from 140 characters to 160.

30 June 2017 published amendments


Added guidance on how (and what) to tag to the new worldwide navigation pages. Also updated the 'world locations' heading, as these pages are now called 'world location news pages'. Added a line explaining what content should go on a worldwide organisation page.

28 June 2017 published amendments

Accessibility of PDFs

Made it clear that PDFs are bad for accessibility and that content should be created in HTML formats wherever possible. Links have been added to guidance about how to create more accessible PDFs from Word, and the previous instructions have been removed as they were not complete. A link has been added to the Microsoft Office 2016 accessibility checker.

27 April 2017 published amendments

Unpublishing and withdrawing ('archiving')

Added guidance on how to unpublish pages that mention convictions.


22 August 2016 published amendments


Added guidance about when to provide Welsh translations

17 June 2016 published amendments

Introduction and access to Whitehall publisher

Removed line saying managing editors could override history mode.

13 June 2016 published amendments


Markdown guidance for tables: a slight restructure and adding:
* information on right alignment
* examples of markdown and html

9 June 2016 published amendments

Unpublishing and withdrawing ('archiving')

Updated 'How withdrawing works' to say that withdrawn content does not appear in internal site search results.

20 May 2016 published amendments

Introduction and access to Whitehall publisher

Updated to include changes to training

21 April 2016 published amendments


Removed reference to 'World priority' as the format is no longer available.

31 March 2016 published amendments

Introduction and access to Whitehall publisher

Updated information on requesting an account and clarified account permissions.

18 March 2016 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Added guidance about attachment file names in the 'Adding attachments' section.

16 March 2016 published amendments

Unpublishing and withdrawing ('archiving')

Guidance added on unwithdrawing content.

23 February 2016 published amendments

Introduction and access to Whitehall publisher

Updated Introduction and access to Whitehall publisher to reflect the change of name of the different publishing environments.

11 February 2016 published amendments

People and roles

Updated guidance on people on roles to explain when roles should be assigned, what to do if the name or responsibilities of a role changes and when to create interim roles.

3 February 2016 published amendments

Introduction and access to Whitehall publisher

Corrected who can unsuspend accounts to GDS.

Reviewing and publishing content

Clarified that only editors or managing editors can edit, publish, schedule or reject a submitted draft. Added that you need to tell them when you've submitted a draft.

Creating and updating pages

Updated guidance on how to tag content to topics, policies and document collections.

Images and videos

Specified what content types can have images.


22 September 2015 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Removed an incorrect version of 'Edit published documents' section and replaced correct text.

16 September 2015 published amendments

Introduction and access to Whitehall publisher

Clarified when Preview is overwritten.

3 August 2015 published amendments


Guidance on how to publish statistics updated.

Creating and updating pages

Changed references to 'topics' to 'policy areas' - where 'topics' referred to the old policy groupings.

Topical event pages

Instructions on how to create topical event pages added.

7 July 2015 published amendments

Reviewing and publishing content

Document collections added to the list of content types that take 5 minutes for changes to appear after publication on GOV.UK.

Creating and updating pages

You can now mark documents as important to a policy.

Organisation pages

You can now feature policies on organisation home pages.

18 June 2015 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Collections now take history mode if this is turned on manually for each one.

28 May 2015 published amendments

Unpublishing and withdrawing ('archiving')

Updated to explain that unpublished content will return to a 'draft' state that cannot be discarded.

Creating and updating pages

Changes to reflect the new policy format.

14 April 2015 published amendments

Introduction and access to Whitehall publisher

Added instructions for exporting to CSV

25 March 2015 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Added information on 'history mode'

11 March 2015 published amendments

Unpublishing and archiving

Added reference to archiving policy

16 January 2015 published amendments

Creating and updating pages

Section on change notes updated.


24 November 2014 published amendments

Organisation pages

'Top tasks' and 'Services and features' replaced with 'Choosing your homepage layout' within 'Organisation pages'.

4 November 2014 published amendments

Reviewing and publishing content

Added information on publishing times.

6 October 2014 published amendments


New section added.

Accessible PDFs

New section added.


New section added.

Creating and updating pages

New section added.

Unpublishing and archiving

New section added.


New section added.

Images and videos

New section added.

Organisation pages

New section added.


New section added.

Tables and graphs

New section added.


New section added.

Introduction and access to Whitehall publisher

New section added.

People and roles

New section added.


New section added.

Reviewing and approving content

New section added.


New section added.